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low water 低水位,低潮 (at low water 處于低潮。 i...


Currently sewage in sewage pumping station system is pumped manually . so the station is working in low water level and energy is consumed . this mode ca n ' t predict the inflow ' s changing 當前污水泵站排放系統主要采用人工值守方式排水,低水位高揚程耗能嚴重,且缺乏預測能力,流量洪峰來臨時易產生污水溢出污染。

Why , so , he replied : you take a line ashore there on the other side at low water . take a turn about one o them big pines ; bring it back , take a turn round the capstan , and lie - to for the tide “當然能了, ”他答道, “你在潮低時拉一條繩到那邊岸上去,把繩繞在一棵大樹上,再拉回來繞在絞盤上,然后躺下來等著漲潮。

For the low water head water control project at a branching channel , its flood discharge capacity is related not only with the total discharge width but also with the discharge width ratio of the two branches 摘要位于分汊河段的低水頭樞紐,其泄洪能力不僅與樞紐的總泄流寬度有關,而且與兩汊泄流寬度之比有關。

The magnesia - alumina spinel is synthesized by using high - quality bauxite and active magnesia as starting materials and calcined at high temperatures . the spinel has high density and low water absorption rate 本品采用優質鋁礬土與活性氧化鎂合成,經高溫煅燒,體積密度大,吸水率低,是冶金建材行業理想的原料。

In the drinking water resources of hangzhou ( qiantang liver and east tiao stream ) , concentrations of ocps are higher during plentiful water time while opps are higher during low water time 錢塘江和東苕溪有機氯農藥含量在豐水期較枯水期高,而有機磷農藥含量在枯水期較高;運河水有機農藥含量在枯水期較高。

Match plant characteristics ( such as foliage density , canopy height and spread ) to shading requirements . choose local native species with low water requirements wherever possible 對于遮陽的需求要符合自身的特點(例如:樹葉的密度,樹冠的高度,擴展的寬度) 。在任何可能的地方,盡量使用需水量少的本地植被。

The product adopts the infalling through system on the structure of boiler pipe line , if equips safely valve an will stop working automatically in case hyperthermal , super - pressure and low water lever 安全采用水管貫流式爐膽結構,并配備安全閥,溫度過熱,水位過低,壓力過高等四重保護,絕對安全可靠。

Ceramic sand is a new type of green recycled product , with excellent whiteness , high hardness , low dust and low water absorption . it s widely used in outerwall coating in developed countries 瓷砂是一種新開發的廢物利用的環保產品,具有白度高硬度大,低塵和吸水率低的優點,被發達國家用于外墻涂料。

Howeer , its therapeutic application in cancer therapy is limited , in part , due to its low water solubility , making it difficult to effectiely delier the drug to the points needed 但是它在抗腫瘤方面的應用卻是有限的,部分原因是由于紫杉醇的水溶性很低,這使得要將該藥有效的傳輸到病灶很困難。

The qualities of water richful during the period from 1991 to 1995 and the low water during the same period were surveyed statistically and dealt with evenly 對該區1991 ~ 1995年的豐水期和枯水期的水質分別進行了統計并進行了平均處理,應用模糊綜合評判法對1991 ~ 1995年水質的平均結果進行了評判。

The proposals of bigger temperature difference with lower water flow rate and variable primary water flow rate were introduced to reduce the operation cost or primary cost of chilled water system 摘要詳細分析了大溫差小流量系統方案和一次泵變流量系統方案在空調水系統節能方面的異同。

The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem of high water cement ratio during construction and low water cement ratio during solidification 摘要目的通過將電滲技末引入到混凝土施工過程,解決混凝土工程中施工要求的大水灰質量比與使用性能要求的小水灰質量比之間的矛盾問題。

Combining an application case , whole - set underwater rubber fenders ' renew under low water level , was realized under dry construction condition through chemical anchorage of screws 結合工程實例,在創造干施工環境下,通過化學錨固螺栓的方法,實現了更換低水位以下成套橡膠護舷。

Based on the analysis and research on test results , it discusses the existence of low water - cut oil layers due to porous media and pore water in micro pores of reservoir 在分析研究化驗資料的基礎上,探討了儲層存在多孔介質、微細孔隙水等產生低含水油層的原因。

High water - cement ratio during construction and low water - cement ratio during solidification are realized by using electroosmosis technology to change the process of concrete construction 采用電滲濾水施工技術,滿足了混凝土大水灰比施工、小水灰比固化的要求。

The unit shall be equipped with control logic that shuts down all electricity to the heating elements in the event of no water or low water levels in the tank 這種熱水器應該配置控制邏輯電路,當出現無水或水位太低狀況時,能夠自動關閉加熱元件的電源。

High water consumption may be the result of undetected leakage while low water consumption may be induced by inaccurate registration of the meter 一般而言,用水量大為增加可能是因為未能察覺內部供水系統漏水,至于用水量過低則可能是因為水表運行失準。

The effect of wind chill and lower water temperatures during the winter season can result in hypothermia after only even a relatively short period of immersion 留意天氣狀況可急速改變。冬季寒風及低的水溫下浮浸水中短暫時間也可引致低溫癥。

For wet - pit installations , it is recommended that the low water level elevation be specified to meet or exceed the minimum submergence to prevent vortexing 對于濕井設備安裝,建議所確定的低水位高度應該達到或超過預防渦流的最小潛水深度。